Marqués de Murrieta
Son Bordils

The arrival of Jaime I

In 1229, Jaime I conquered Mallorca in command of Aragonese and Catalan troops, thus ending the long Arab domination on the island. According tells Mascaro Pasarius (Volume II, page 687.):

     'In 1230 the conquering Mallorca JAIME I OF ARAGON, Inca was the oldest farmhouse of the island, in the words of the same King .. (sic). Inca was head of a large district that included the present terms of Inca, Selva, Campanet, Buger, Sa Pobla, Muro, Muro, Manacor, Lloseta and part of Binissalem '. (sic). 'From the conquest of the island by the Aragonese cultivation of the vine is widely protected by monarchs, spreading rapidly. In the thirteenth century King had a cellar in Inca and around the same time the bishop and canons established to collect his tithes, which in 1325 had increased markedly celler so this had to be extended '.

PJ Llabrés and R. Rosselló (. 1998, p 113) makes a similar description of the wine development in those times:

     'The industry esra producció vi ben l'pol.lent in Inquera economy. Des dels anys primers posteriors to conquer ha hi are you vinyes documentades them. The vila was envoltada of sembrats camps of vinya i se'n sembraven faces of noves, ... (sic). Recorded in 1263 l'edificació the episcopal celler ... (sic). The house of the Temple també posseïa one vinya. També to their possesions reals i to rafal the rei, in concret, the crown of Mallorca had extensions vinya bones ... (sic). A month, ... (sic), recaptava impostos on produit saw the terme nostre. '

There is evidence that, thirty years after the conquest, in 1257, King licenses for the cultivation of vineyards in Bunyola, Valldemossa, Campos, Felanitx, Manacor and Porreras.

Back again for liberalization, but with taxation, tithing or 'delme' in Mallorca; which meant tenth of the harvest and which for centuries had an enormous importance on the Mallorcan countryside. He was born a new type of "cellar" of recaudatorio character, "Celler dels Deumes". According Pico (Pico M., 1997, p. 88):

     'In these cellars winemakers village, or zone, as not all people have this kind of "cellar" recaudatorio, were deposited in the established time of year the amount of wine equal to the tax that should contribute to the royal treasury or the treasury of the Lords. Once stored wine, came buyers and wine merchants from all parts of the island, to buy wine auction deposited, and thus the charge in species became hard cash '.

Do not know the year of the founding of the first Celler de Deumes d'Inca, but in 1280 the royal prosecutor promised, from James II of Mallorca,

     'that faria build vila ia the Ciutat d'Inca (no s'hi esmenten altres poblacions), an amb celler cups, cans i amb amb is poguessin enmagatzamar Graners on the vi i blat two anys. Sabem that reial celler of ciutat hi i havia llevors 16 congrenyades 4 to Inca boats. (sic) ... is going to build the nou celler month of rei Capac Inca, which ja és esmentat 1282; the 'celler reial'.

In 1300, in a district reorganization undertaken by King James II of Mallorca, 'Inca acquired its current form and extent to become Selva terms to which was attached Manacor, that of Sa Pobla to which were attached the Campanet and Buger the Wall which was attached the Llubí and Binissalem to which was attached the Lloseta '.

In the same year, 1300, for the first time on record the existence of the name Bordils in Inca; originally from the town of Bordils (Girona). On 8 July 1300, King acquires rafal Suaip the end of Inca, as recorded in the Book of buy fetes per lo senyor Rei, consisting of 29 morabetins least 3 obols census; and paying for it 312 lliures Mallorca. Ground that the census were paid for a total of 23 people; including a certain Dn. Guillem de Bordils (Llabrés PJ and R. Rosselló, 1998, pp. 175-176).

In 1338 the wording of Manifest d'Inca, or statement of assets of the municipality, Dn is responsible. Guillem Bordils, along with the actual delegates Guillem Nadal and Joan Reboll. (Llabrés P. J. and R. Rosselló, 1998, p. 179).

In 1343 the reinstatement of the Kingdom of Mallorca to the Catalan-Aragonese crown occurs. The troops of King Peter of Aragon (Pere the Ceremoniós) landed in Paguera on 23 May 1343. Interestingly, the ratio of events occurring in just 33 days medievalists explained by two experts as Llabrés PJ and R. Rosselló (... 1998, p 251 ff, p 195) and explain:

     '... 25 hi i Hague the first enfrontament amb l'exèrcit the King of Mallorca. Aquest s'hagué to replicate at Ciutat, jurats i prohoms nomenaren on a per Comissió parley amb el rei d'Arago. Jaume III harangue personalment als mallorquins to Plaça Sant Andreu perquè "escollissin llur faith," but 31 maig is feu the capitulació i rei Pere entrà to ciutat, qual ja s'havia escapat the King Jaume. Tots els castells de l'illa, fora of Pollensa, is reteren to the King of Aragon '.

     'L'endemà the rei mateix will adreçar a letter to each of them Universities and Parròquies de l'illa i primerament als "prohoms i universitat of Incha" comunicant-which havia desposseït per raons justes the King of Mallorca ... (sic). Per manava to them altres Universities Això that dins 6 rebuda dies of the present letter, li trametessin síndics "per fer a nós homenatge of feeltat com senyor dit Regne and Illes dites dessus. (Sic). The següent 8 juny, which was diumenge, the university of the vila fou d'Inca després convened the conventual Mass, l'església Santa Maria, a trumpet toc Saig Antoni Comelles i in the presence of the notary Nicolau Rotlan hi i foren nomenats síndics Procuradors per comparèixer davant the senyor Pere, king of Aragon, of Valencia de Mallorca i paid i-li jurament of Fidelitat, els prohoms: Guillem de Bordils, Joan Reboll (fill d'Arnau difunt), Guillem Malferit (fill in Bernat difunt ) i Guillem Morro. (sic). '

     'Cal fer note here that the King of Aragon, abans d'emprendre the seva campanya per occupy Mallorca i desposseir of regne Jaume III, provides a Privilegi illencs als pel qual els confirmava totes les franqueses concedides per Jaume I, disposant endemés els veguers, batles i oficials fossin Nadius of the Governor regne i i attorney General nomenats serien between naturals born of Catalonia, és a dir, not aragonesos. Per tant, normal Regim de Mallorca is not trastocat regne per the reincorporació of the Catalan-Aragonese crown.

     'The day 22 of juny the King Pere proclaims the indissoluble joined the Regne of Mallorques als regnes of Aragón and Valencia i the comtat of Barcelona. (sic). ... Peter the Ceremoniós conceded the següent 23rd various allongaments of deutes to inquers sens per Dubte atreure-se'n the seva benvolença. A Bordils li'n Jaume I granted fins to lliures No quantity of 26 per two anys; com that rei disposava not address the Segell nou, signs the document amb l'antic. A pere Maimó igualment li n'atorgà fins 25 lliures ... (sic), to Pontius Bordils, 40 lliures fins. (sic). Day 26 becomes the se'n Ceremoniós Barcelona. '

Bordils Guillem was the son of another Guillem; Guillem Bordils surely appears as payer of census of the king in 1300.

Stang (Pico M., 1997) has ordered the census data of 1350 taxes, relating to wine and ordered peoples. For the value of auctions recorded, it follows that 'the people who produced most wine and more taxes paid in this period were Inca, Selva and Campanet together'; ahead of that of the other municipalities of the island.
Inca, Selva and Campanet: 500 lbs
Alcudia: 115
I Sineu San Joan: 114
Robines (Binissalem): 85
Porreres: 52
Manacor i Bellver: 49
Soller: 46
I montuiri Castellitg: 40
Sencelles: 30
Alaro: 25
Esporles: 23
Llucmajor: 22
Felanitx 12
Andratx, Calvià i Puigpunyent 12
Petra 10
Santa Maria: 8

It can be said that a century after the arrival of James I to the island, approximately 45% of all wine made in Mallorca was produced and / or marketed in the region of Inca, Selva i Campanet.

In the 1360s, Dn. Bernat de Bordils, considered the son of the previous Guillem de Bordils, performed the first purchases of land in the southeast of Inca and that in the next century will come to be Son Bordils. Acquired in the first order, a house and land occupied by vineyards bordering the road Costitx. (Archive Bordils, s. XIX).

This is the oldest known reference to the existence of vineyards in the land of Son Bordils; ie about 70 years before his son would group several purchases, both yours and performed by his father, to found the historic estate.

Dn. Bernat de Bordils, considered the trunk and founder of the Bordils dynasty, was a 'illustrious and wealthy inhabitants of the town of Inca', that 'he held key corresponding to the highest class in the same city of Inca jobs during the last third of the fourteenth century. He was married to Blanca Pont, daughter Arnaldo '. (Ramis Ayreflor and Sureda, J., Bolletí Luliana the Archaeological Society, 1905). In the list of mayors of the village of the fourteenth century, appears as reial batle of Inca in 1398.

The relationship Reials batles of this century appear:

     1351 Joan Reboll of reial home
     1353 Joan Reboll
     1355 Joan Reboll
     1357 Joan Reboll
     1398 Bernat Bordils